Nick is the CEO of our company. As leader of our teams, Nick positions Interpro as the very best translation and localization services provider in the industry. Graduating Summa Cum Laude with honors in marketing and a minor in French, Nick takes a people-centric approach to help set the strategy of Interpro. When not providing translation and localization services, Nick enjoys hanging out with his family, networking, working out, and playing catch with Winston, his Jack Russell Terrier.
How did you get into the translation services industry?
I always had an interest in languages, technology, and marketing. Growing up, I learned to speak Italian at the same time I was learning English. I also studied French in high school and college. It always fascinates me to see how multilingual content is created and how it benefits organizations worldwide.
What country would you most would like to visit?
English, Italian, French.
If tomorrow you could speak another language fluently, which would it be?
Brazilian Portuguese.
Favorite sports team:
The Chicago Cubs.
Funniest international experience:
On a summer trip to Italy, I brought an American football with me and started throwing it around on the beach. Before I knew it, more and more people wanted to join in and learn how to throw an American football. I had to explain that it was different than rugby and soccer, and that you couldn’t hit the ball with your head. It was fun attempting to localize a sport to a culture that has never seen an American football.